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Book Binding Tape

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Binding tapes are available in variety of widths, lengths and colours to meet client specific needs. These are generally used for book binding, packaging of coregulated boxes and other general purposes. A special resin treatment makes it water and oil-proof and gives it excellent durability against abrasion. A centre cutting line in the middle of release liner makes tape easier for user to do the binding job.

It’s features are-
· Book Binding
· High adhesion.
· Easy work.
· Water-proof.

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Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Adhesive Tapes, Aluminium Foil Base Tape, Book Binding Tape, Bop. P. Self Adhesive Clear And Brown Tape, Bop. P. Self Adhesive Color Tape, Bop. P. Self Adhesive Printed Tapes, Bop. P. Self Adhesive Tape Jumbo Rolls Semi Finished Goods, Bop. P. Self Adhesive Tape Mini Jumbo Rolls, Cloth Base Tape Duct Tape, Cloth Base Tape Ptfe Teflon Cloth Tape, Cloth Base Tape Water Proof And Non Water Proof Cotton Cloth Tapes, Double Side Foam Tape, Double Sided Tissue Tape, Doublesided Adhesive Tape, Film Base Material Floor Marking Tape, Film Base Material Polyster Film Tape, Gasket Tape, Golden Wonder, H. D. P. E. Tape, Low Noise Tape, Paper Base Tape Kraft Tape, Paper Base Tape Masking Tape, Platinum Wonder, Products, Quick Seal, Seal Pack, Silicone Tapes, Silver Masking Tape, Silver Wonder, Surface Protection (Ldpe And Pet) Film (Guard Film)